Be Ready In Season and Out...And in the Weirdest Places

Paul is telling Timothy what he needs to know and says "...be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction." (NIV 2Tim 4:2) It's a verse I've heard many times of course but this last week was, for me, a pretty extreme example of its reality and application. I was on the road to San Francisco…

Head In The Clouds

I like clouds a lot and God the Father knows this. It is sort of hard to fathom why the creator of the universe cares that much about "our details" but he does. He knows our likes and loves and he often meets us on that level. In the same way, He cares about all the rest too. The good, the bad and the ugly. He wants us to invite him into all those areas.Do you want exposure to eternal things? If you don't get anything else from this story, get this...we can invite God into all of "our details."

Praying Gnomes Changed My Life

What I am about to share could happen to any of us. And does! In fact, I share life with a lot of people who have these kinds of 'God experiences' on a regular basis… and it is a completely normal experience. Yes, I use the word normal, though it is a hidden normal. Veiled in plain sight…

Do You Really Want To Be King?

Nat Iwata, one of our alumnus is a remarkable artist. We have loved witnessing him father his 3 young boys through his art and photos. He is a really good papa. Nat recently shared a poem and sketch inspired interactions with his boys. It really illustrated how we all struggle with wanting to be in a different stage of the masculinity journey than the one God is currently taking us through.

Pumped For This Journey

This morning, part of our team is headed north of Seattle to join other men at a Calling Intensive led by Gary Barkalow of The Noble Heart Ministries. As I (John) packed up I saw one of our alumni, Jeremiah post a message out to his social networks that he was "Pumped for this journey!" I remember seeing Jeremiah a year ago on his way to his first Bootcamp.

The Raging Battle Over Legacy

Within the past few years its seems like the battle pace has quickened. It has been a battle with all of the gains and losses of war.Huge gain and huge loss… A war of extremes… It’s what you would expect in war where the stakes are high.Loss… i.e. sickness and death, the threat of financial ruin, estranged relationships, business failures, wounds and scars, pain,confusion, fear & despair, denial, dissent, uncertainty, deception, anger and rage…