
Reflections on Desire

(The following was written by one of our friends and allies, Denis Stilwell, after attending our Oct 2015 camp on Desire.)

Desire is a hunger that God has placed in the hearts of every person born on this earth. Desire motivates us to alter our circumstances. It is like the unseen force of gravity, ever tugging, ever nudging, every drawing us toward that which we imagine will satisfy us.

Dawn and the Hunt

I don’t get up at 6:00am. I never get up at 6:00am. I make software for a living and one of the reasons I chose that career was because it never ever requires me to get up at 6:00am. But there I was rubbing my eyes and envying my still-snoozing wife. Dressing in the near dark, layering fleece over flannel over cotton and hoping that it would be enough in the frigid November air, I fought against the bulk as I stretched to tie my shoes.

Head In The Clouds

I like clouds a lot and God the Father knows this. It is sort of hard to fathom why the creator of the universe cares that much about "our details" but he does. He knows our likes and loves and he often meets us on that level. In the same way, He cares about all the rest too. The good, the bad and the ugly. He wants us to invite him into all those areas.Do you want exposure to eternal things? If you don't get anything else from this story, get this...we can invite God into all of "our details."