
The Seven Weeks of Easter During a Pandemic: A Series

The Seven Weeks of Easter During a Pandemic: A Series

Did you know that Easter traditionally is celebrated in the liturgical calendar for seven weeks? It all culminates on Pentecost, which this year is May 31st, 2020.

So in keeping with this amazing season our team member Stephen Carter has given us some great reflections. We will post these throughout the week leading up to the last Feast of Easter, Pentecost. Take it away Stephen!

Pumped For This Journey

This morning, part of our team is headed north of Seattle to join other men at a Calling Intensive led by Gary Barkalow of The Noble Heart Ministries. As I (John) packed up I saw one of our alumni, Jeremiah post a message out to his social networks that he was "Pumped for this journey!" I remember seeing Jeremiah a year ago on his way to his first Bootcamp.